ISBN: 9780367684686

Adopting a UDL Attitude within Academia


– Understanding and Practicing Inclusion Across Higher Education

Adopting a UDL Attitude within Academia bridges the gap between the theory and practice of UDL (Universal Design for Learning). It guides the reader through the origins of the development of UDL as an innovative way of thinking about inclusion and the evolution of this theory into practice, as it explores UDL and its relevance beyond the classroom.

ISBN: 9780367684686
SKU: 9780367684686
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– Understanding and Practicing Inclusion Across Higher Education

Adopting a UDL Attitude within Academia bridges the gap between the theory and practice of UDL (Universal Design for Learning). It guides the reader through the origins of the development of UDL as an innovative way of thinking about inclusion and the evolution of this theory into practice, as it explores UDL and its relevance beyond the classroom.

Including reader-friendly descriptions and case studies supplemented with international research, this book allows the reader to think and see through a UDL lens, ultimately emphasising their part in the inclusion agenda. From the outset this book shares the attitude necessary to promote UDL and inclusion across higher education and addresses some of the most common questions:

  • Is this a scientific theory or just a new practice, and why is it important?
  • How can I be more inclusive in my current practice?
  • Is it sustainable and how do I ensure I’m implementing it correctly?

The book will have a broad appeal and is essential reading for anyone looking to understand and implement UDL across their learning environment – be it a university or any education institution.


Mary Quirke is a qualified career guidance counsellor with a passion and knowledge about inclusion in education due to her active engagement with learners, teachers, and employers while also actively engaging with UDL across practice and policy. She is completing a Ph.D based in the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin.

Conor Mc Guckin is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.

Patricia McCarthy is Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.


“It is a very useful guide on the how and, more importantly the why, of UDL. In its support for inclusive practice for all it should be recommended reading for those involved in teaching and learning at all levels in higher education.” – Professor Noirin Hayes, Visiting Professor, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Professor Emeritus, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

“This book shows how to move beyond our individual efforts to create systemic, at-scale methods for making inclusion ‘everyone’s business’ in higher education: in community colleges, trade schools, technical schools, further education, four-year colleges, and universities. I strongly recommend Adopting a UDL Attitude to campus and program leaders and practitioners everywhere.” – Thomas J. Tobin, author of Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: UDL in Higher Education – PhD, MSLS, PMP, MOT, CPACC, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

“This important volume raises important questions and highlights a gap in the current literature on Universal Design for Learning […] There is no doubt that this volume, will be of benefit at many levels.” – Fred Fovet, is an academic, researcher, consultant and UDL & Inclusion specialist, UDL and Inclusion scholar and researcher (K-12 and post-secondary) and is currently Assistant Professor at the Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

“While there is much discourse about inclusion in education – across all of our education system – this book sets out how we in higher education can lead the way – with the right attitude!”Dr Kate Carr-Fanning, Lecturer in Psychology of Education, the School of Education, University of Bristol. Charactered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

“This is a must-read for anyone interested in equality, diversity, and inclusion in education and wider society. This is a modern classic – pioneering and refreshing”  – Professor Michael Shevlin, Professor in Inclusive Education, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.

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170 Pages


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