Weaving Well-Being Online Course Thumbnail

Well-Being Online Course – Click Image above or HERE for more details.

Introduction to the Weaving Well-Being Programme

Weaving Well-Being is the first Irish-designed positive mental health programme of its kind which aims to enhance well-being in children aged from 7.5 to -12+ years within the framework of the SPHE curriculum.

This affordable Positive Education programme consists of 10 lessons for each class level and is grounded in evidence-based interventions from the rapidly expanding field of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is the science of well-being.

My Well-Being Plan for 2025
(free handout)

It is underpinned by the concept that a state of well-being is not simply the absence of the negative, but the presence of the positive.  The Weaving Well-Being programme gives children the opportunity to weave positivity into their daily lives through a range of activities in a variety of areas resilience skills (including mindfulness) and developing self-efficacy through empowering beliefs. The lessons are designed to be implemented within the framework of the SPHE curriculum.

Each of the five levels of Weaving Well-being comes with a Teacher Resource Book (with a comprehensive online Digital Companion Page – DCP) and a Pupil Book (Reflective Journal). The DCP contains PowerPoint presentations for each lesson, supplementary worksheets, classroom posters and much more. The pupil book has two activities per lesson as well as an activity for home. A pull-out Parent Information Guide is included in each student’s Pupil Book to support parental involvement.

WWB- Boys Smiling doing Weaving Well-Being work

Within the teacher resources books, teachers are also provided with the opportunity to enhance their own well-being through various interventions and activities.

The Pupil Book for each level builds into a highly individual and personal resource for the child’s future use. The programme is child-centred, practical and is designed to be easy to deliver in any classroom setting. Click on the links below for more information on each book and/or to order samples of the student books.


The Weaving Wellbeing series has been redesigned to ensure that it meets the highest accessibility standards for printed materials. The series meets the strict WCAG AAA accessibility standard and guidelines of the NCBI in Ireland and the RNIB in England.

The programme was written by Fiona Forman & Mick Rock.

WWB- Teacher & pupils chatting about Weaving Well-Being work

2nd Class
(Age: 7.5 to 8.5)

3rd Class
(Age: 8.5 to 9.5)

4th Class
(Age: 9.5 to 10.5)

5th Class
(Age: 10.5 to 11.5)

6th Class
(Age: 11.5 to 12.5)

Outline of Lessons

Each level covers ten well-being lessons, each containing the following elements:

  • Comprehensive Lesson plan – containing Lesson Objectives, Lesson Development, Cross-curricular Links / Supplementary Activities and more.
  • PowerPoint slides – containing all relevant material for the presentation of the skill, including a multi-media element and links to online research articles for further information if required. All of these are contained on a comprehensive Digital Companion Page – one per level.
  • Pupil Book (Reflective Journal) – containing two Pupil Activities per lesson, key message, self-assessment and a homework activity.
  • Parent/Guardian/Carer Guide – (in the centre of each Pupil Book) to encourage parents to support their child in using the skills.

You can try out one FREE SKILL LESSON from each of the five levels by clicking HERE.

You can LOOK INSIDE any of the teacher books and/or pupil books by scrolling down to the Shop at the bottom of this page, selecting one of the levels and choosing the book that you would like to see inside.

You can request FREE SAMPLES of the pupil books by clicking HERE.

Sample of Children's Work

Weaving Well-Being - Sample of Children's work - Jigsaw of Perspective - Before & After

What's covered in each level?

Each lesson plan sets out the Strand and Strand Units of the SPHE curriculum that are covered by that lesson. It also includes the specific learning objectives for the children.

How each lesson should be developed is then briefly described. The information in this section will be similar for each lesson as the PowerPoint slides contain all the information needed to deliver the lesson.
Most lessons include an introduction to each topic for the children followed by one or two activities and a homework assignment

Scope and Sequence

To download this Scope and Sequence chart (for primary schools) as a pdf please click HERE or for the Scope and Sequence chart of all four well-being programmes for primary and secondary (all ages), please click HERE.

Well-Being Brochure
(all 4 levels/all ages)

Click on the catalogue cover above to browse the comprehensive (24-page) Well-Being School Programmes’ Catalogue. You can also download a pdf of this catalogue and/or request a copy to be sent to your address.

Selection of free Well-Being resources

Well-Being Week - Challenge

My Well-Being Plan

Free Posters

Additional Information and Supports

Weaving Well-being - Overview and Implementation Guide thumbnail

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Other Well-Being Resources & Programmes

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