SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument (4th Edition)


Stuttering Severity Instrument–Fourth Edition (SSI-4) is a reliable and valid norm-referenced stuttering assessment that can be used for both clinical and search purposes.

Author(s) : Glyndon D. Riley


NB: Only available to clients based in the Republic of Ireland – qualification criteria apply (see qualification code and link below)

Ages: 2-10 and up
Testing Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Administration: Individual
Qualification Code: A – Click HERE for more details.

Stuttering Severity Instrument–Fourth Edition (SSI-4) is a reliable and valid norm-referenced stuttering assessment that can be used for both clinical and search purposes.

It measures stuttering severity in both children and adults in the four areas of speech behavior:

  • Frequency
  • Duration
  • Physical concomitants
  • Naturalness of the individual’s speech

Frequency is expressed in percent syllables stuttered and converted to scale scores of 2-18. Duration is timed to the nearest one tenth of a second and converted to scale scores of 2-18. The four types of Physical Concomitants are and converted to scale scores of 0-20. The SSI-4 can also be used in conjunction with the Stuttering Prediction Instruments for Young Children (SPI).

SSI-4 was normed on a sample of 72 preschool-aged children, 139 school-aged children, and 60 adults. It has four components, each of which is used to assess and monitor the stuttering severity in both children and adults for clinical and research use: (1) Examiner’s Manual and Picture Plates, (2) Test Record and Frequency Computation Forms, and (3) Subjective Stuttering Scales.

The SSI-4 Kit includes:

  • Examiner’s Manual and Picture Plates
  • 50 x Test Record and Frequency Computation Forms (Examiner Record Forms)
  • Storage box

Additional information

Age Suitability:

2-10 and up


Examiner’s Manual with Picture Plates, 50 Test Record and Frequency Computation Forms (Examiner Record Forms) and sturdy storage box


Publication Year:


Published By:

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