Showing 1–24 of 36 results

50 Great Activities for Children who Stutter


– Lessons, Insight, and Ideas for Therapy Success

50 Great Activities for Children who Stutter is a refreshing, practical manual for professionals working with school-age children who stutter.


Adult Stuttering Therapy DVD – Dr. Charles Van Riper

Original price was: €49.95.Current price is: €29.95.

This classic series of short films on one DVD shows Dr. Charles Van Riper of Western Michigan University working with an adult who stutters.

Can I tell you about Stammering?


This illustrated book is full of useful information and will be an ideal introduction for young people, aged 7 upwards, as well as parents, friends, teachers and speech therapists working with children who stammer.

Color Me Fluent


Developed and field-tested by Alice Anne Farley, Color Me Fluent is a fluency program that brings together the student, parent/caregiver, and speech-language pathologist as a team. Includes 160-page instructional activity manual with reproducible templates targeting fluency, 16 manipulatives to use with program, two educational posters and a printable CD. Age Suitability: 4 and upwards.

Dysfluency Resource Book, The (2nd Edition)


This is a comprehensive resource book for treating adults who stammer.

Easy Does It for Fluency: Intermediate (Ages: 6 – 12)


Students take an active role in their therapy and develop fluent speech through motor, linguistic, and psychosocial changes. This comprehensive program spells out a clear therapy program and shows you how to tailor treatment to individual student needs.

Easy Does It for Fluency: Preschool/Primary (Ages: 1 – 6)


Use play-based activities with clear goals and techniques to shape fluency. This program is adaptable to direct and indirect therapy and meets the needs and interests of young children.

Evidence-Based Treatment of Stuttering


This book is the result of a “State-of-the-Art-Conference” held at the University of Georgia dedicated to the evidence-based treatment of stuttering.

Fluency River Board Game


Fluency River is a fluency game that uses a river and its components to help students ages 5–9 learn about stuttering and become more fluent speakers.

Focus on Fluency Kit


This Focus on Fluency kit includes 88-page, reproducible instruction manual. This creative Tool Kit includes 10 card decks, discussion strips, game board, magnetic board with seven magnets, seven manipulatives, and three educational posters. Ages: 7-12

Fun Deck: Snooky Snail Goes to Work (Fluency Card Deck)


56 illustrated cards (28 match-up pairs) help develop smooth and easy speech. Pairs match an occupation card to an item in that occupation.

Fun with Fluency for the School-Age Child


Focused on students, ages 7 through 12, Fun with Fluency for the School-Age Child provides the clinician with a step-by-step process for treating stuttering.

I Have a Voice: How to Stop Stuttering


In this volume, the author details a completely new approach to treating this debilitating condition. It both explains the structure of stuttering and blocking and provides cognitive tools for gaining more fluency.

I Talk Like a River


An incredibly moving picture book that offers an understanding of stammering rather than a solution and which will resonate with all readers, young and old.

Let’s Talk: A Guide to Life from that Girl with the Stammer


Live your best life with confidence-boosting advice from Jessie Yendle – ‘that Girl with the Stammer’

Mastering Blocking and Stuttering


Bob Bodenhamer explains that blocking results from the thinking (cognition) of the stammerer as he or she associates speaking with a lot of fear and anxiety about stammering.

Navigating Adult Stammering


– 100 Points for Speech and Language Therapists

This book, the first in an exciting new series, provides speech and language therapy students and newly qualified and beginning stammering specialists with 100 key points that will help form a strong foundation for their work supporting adults and teenagers who stammer.


OASES: Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering


The Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (OASES) is a quick, easy-to-use, comprehensive tool for measuring the impact of stuttering on a person’s life. OASES Impact Scores and Impact Ratings can help you qualify individuals for research or therapy, make treatment decisions, justify third-party payment and evaluate treatment efficacy.

Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Early Childhood Stammering


This book emphasises a need for open communication about stammering, offering a combination of indirect techniques such as video feedback, interaction strategies and confidence building, along with direct techniques to teach a child what they can do to help themselves.

Perfectly Norman


An uplifting story about celebrating diversity and embracing what makes you you.

Snooky The Snail’s Fluency Worksheets


98-page illustrated, reproducible, cut-and-paste activity book to guide students from word level to spontaneous open set fluency.

Snooky The Snail’s: Fluency Game Boards


18 game boards (nine double-sided, laminated 11″x 17″ boards) for students to practice using their slow, easy voice. Includes pawns and a die, game instructions, and plastic tote bag. Ages: 4-8+

Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Children and Young People who Stammer and their Parents


Coming Soon – Publication Due Date: April 2024 – Preorder now

This book offers speech and language therapists, and other allied health professionals, a practical resource for working in a distinctive way with children and young people, and their parents, to achieve their ‘best hopes’ from therapy. The authors share a wealth of knowledge and experience from the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering about how they use Solution Focused Brief Therapy to enhance their practice.

Source: Stuttering and Cluttering (2nd Ed.)


Published in 2024, this invaluable resource provides the latest evidence-based information on stuttering and cluttering assessment and treatment. This reliable resource includes assessment and treatment techniques for preschool through adulthood.