Showing all 18 results

Autism, Identity and Me: Set


A Practical Workbook and Professional Guide to Empower Autistic Children and Young People Aged 10+

Autism: Respecting Difference


– An Inside View of Autism for Carers, professionals and Families

Autism: Respecting Difference is a simple and concise introduction to how the world is experienced differently by autistic people and how to respond suitably and sensitively to individuals.


Autistic Masking


– Understanding Identity Management and the Role of Stigma

This book aims to define the process of autistic masking and the underlying reasons for its existence. It will consider the social context, including an individual’s response to stigma or trauma, that facilitates impression management.


Good Box, The


– Beyond Sensory Turmoil and Pain in Autism

The Good Box: Beyond Sensory Turmoil and Pain in Autism is about understanding and helping those who struggle with sensory overload due to autism.


Homunculi Approach To Social And Emotional Wellbeing (2nd Ed.), The


A Neurodiversity-Friendly CBT Programme to Build Resilience in Young People

Looking After Your Autistic Self


A Personalised Self-Care Approach to Managing Your Sensory and Emotional Well-Being

Making Space for Autism


– Strategies for Assessing and Modifying Environments to Meet the Needs of Autistic People

This environmental assessment and modification programme has an accessible, strengths-focused approach to supporting autistic people across different areas of their life. It reflects a paradigm shift from one where autism is treated as a deficit or impairment to one of strength, acceptance and autonomy.


Neurodiversity Reader, The


– Exploring Concepts, Lived Experience and Implications for Practice

The Neurodiversity Reader collection brings together work from pioneering figures within and beyond the neurodiversity movement to critically explore its associated concepts and how they might be translated into practice.


Neurodiversity, Autism and Recovery from Sexual Violence


– A Practical Resource for all those Working to Support Victim-survivors

Recovery and survival following sexual violence are unique to each individual and this invaluable book provides a resource for those supporting autistic and neurodivergent women to take steps towards regaining control of their life.


Perfectly Norman


An uplifting story about celebrating diversity and embracing what makes you you.

Responsive Communication


Combining attention to sensory issues with using body language (intensive interaction) to interact with autistic adults and children

Responsive Communication is a ground-breaking new book that has been put together by a team of authors led by Phoebe Caldwell who, during her long-time practice in this field, has found some unique paths to achieving deep and meaningful engagement with autistic people and people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.




 – An illustrated journey through an undiagnosed autistic childhood

From the Sunday Times bestselling author, Eliza Fricker, comes an illustrated graphic novel that explores her neurodivergent childhood. Full of personal anecdotes and insights, Eliza’s is a story that will resonate with many adults and shine a light on how we can learn from the past and better support neurodivergent children in the future.

UDL Now!


In the third edition of UDL Now!, Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Understanding Me, Understanding You


– A Guide for Supporting Autistic People, Easing Anxiety and Promoting Mutual Understanding

Understanding Me, Understanding You is a guide for professionals working with and supporting autistic people. It promotes acceptance of difference, the importance of mutual understanding, and encourages new ways of thinking about the way people interact.


We’re all Neurodiverse


– How to Build a Neurodiversity-Affirming Future and Challenge Neuronormativity

Radical, accepting and kind – this is the neurodiversity paradigm. This guide challenges your assumptions of who is and isn’t neurodivergent with own voice narratives reflecting on intersections of race, gender and sexuality and directly opposes the pathology paradigm. At its heart, it is a rallying cry to be a neurodiversity affirming society.

Where Do I Start?


– How to navigate the emotional journey of autism parenting

Written by an author who is both neurodivergent and the parent of an autistic child, this guidebook supports parents and carers as they navigate their child’s autism diagnosis. Tips and strategies help them find ways to look after their own mental health while supporting their child and building a plan for the future.

Wired Differently


 – 30 Neurodivergent People You Should Know

This collection of illustrated portraits celebrates the lives of influential neurodivergent figures who have achieved amazing things in recent times.

Showcasing these 30 incredible people, the extraordinary stories in this book show that the things they’ve achieved, created and inspired they did not despite being different but because they are different. From politicians, activists and journalists to YouTubers, DJs and poets, this book highlights a wide range of exciting career paths for neurodivergent readers.

Wonderfully Wired Brains


 – An Introduction to the World of Neurodiversity

An informative and inclusive children’s guide to neurodiversity for those not in the know and to inspire children who are neurodivergent.