Showing 169–192 of 279 results

Preparing Deaf and Hearing Persons with Language and Learning Challenges for CBT


This Pre-Therapy Workbook presents 12 lessons to guide staff in hospital and community mental health and rehabilitation programs on creating skill-oriented therapy settings when working with people who don’t read well or have trouble with abstract ideas, problem solving, reasoning, attention and learning.

Professional Learning Communities at Work and Virtual Collaboration


Realise the potential of virtual collaboration to support the PLC process and discover research-based strategies collaborative teams can implement to meet contemporary challenges and reach sustained levels of deeper learning.


Pyramid of Behavior Interventions


This book will help teachers and school leaders transform the research on behaviour, response to intervention and professional learning communities into practical strategies they can use to create a school culture and classroom climates in which learning is primed to occur.


Pyramid Response to Intervention


The authors translate formal legal mandates into a clear picture of how to create a three-tiered pyramid response to intervention (PRTI) to close gaps in student learning and resolve behavioural problems.


Quest for Learning, The


Learn how to use questing to engross students in emotionally gripping learning experiences, engage them with actionable goals and promote collaboration in online and physical spaces.


Raising the Rigor


The skillful use of questioning techniques has the power to enhance students’ critical thinking skills, deepen their engagement and better prepare them for college and careers. This book shares questioning techniques that educators can use to respond to students’ diverse needs while maintaining rigor and relevance.


Read Alouds for All Learners


– A Comprehensive Plan for Every Subject, Every Day

Learn the step-by-step instructional plan for teachers to implement read alouds in the classroom. Whether you’re a longtime professional or new to teaching, this resource will help you support young learners emotionally, intellectually, linguistically and developmentally.



Recognising Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) – 1st Edition

Original price was: €33.95.Current price is: €15.00.

This book is an accessible guide to everything you need to know about Asperger Syndrome.

Recovery Through Activity (2nd Edition)


The Recovery Through Activity handbook offers an occupation-centred treatment programme and intervention, rooted in occupational therapy and underpinned by the Model of Human Occupation.

Reducing Risk in Health and Social Care


– Towards Outstanding Teams and Services

Regulation of health and social care services is moving towards more risk-based inspections that focus on safety of services. Reducing Risk in Health and Social Care explores what a culture of safety looks like, why it matters and how to achieve it.


Research-Based Strategies


– Narrowing the Achievement Gap for Under-Resourced Students – An all-in-one guide to academic, behavioral and community solutions!

This revised edition features effect sizes, 20+ new strategies and more. Varying levels of personal, social and material resources can create specific challenges for students, as well as for schools and communities. Educators are key: Teachers are integral to the lives of under-resourced young people who can and will achieve success if we understand them and understand how to guide and teach them. This revised edition of Research-Based Strategies helps us do all that and more.

Resilience and Wellbeing Toolbox, The – 2nd Edition


A practical guide for parents, teachers and other professionals to create cultures of resilience and wellbeing in schools, homes and health care settings.


Resolving Conflict Posters (Set of 9)

Original price was: €69.50.Current price is: €20.00.

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


This title introduces readers to the comprehensive SWPBIS framework and explores the key elements of its three tiers of support. Learn about the authors’ personal experiences in applying SWPBIS and explore practical examples of what the elements and tiers of this model look like in practice.


Sensory Motor Activities for Early Development 2nd Edition


Sensory Motor Activities for Early Development, 2nd edition is an essential text for all parents/carers and practitioners who use sensory-motor activities in a playful way to help the development of children with a range of needs.

Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom


By fully realising the seven keys the author highlights, teachers can establish clearer expectations, enhance instruction and assessment practices and foster quality relationships with students, thereby maximizing the potential of all students.


Simplifying Common Assessment


The authors simplify assessment development to give teacher teams the confidence to write and use team-designed common formative assessments that help ensure all students master essential skills and concepts.