ISBN: 9781138916937

Preparing Deaf and Hearing Persons with Language and Learning Challenges for CBT


This Pre-Therapy Workbook presents 12 lessons to guide staff in hospital and community mental health and rehabilitation programs on creating skill-oriented therapy settings when working with people who don’t read well or have trouble with abstract ideas, problem solving, reasoning, attention and learning.

ISBN: 9781138916937
Author(s) : Neil S. Glickman
SKU: 9781138916937
Categories: , , Tag: GTIN: 9781138916937


– A Pre-Therapy Workbook

Preparing Deaf and Hearing Persons with Language and Learning Challenges for CBT: A Pre-Therapy Workbook presents 12 lessons to guide staff in hospital and community mental health and rehabilitation programs on creating skill-oriented therapy settings when working with people who don’t read well or have trouble with abstract ideas, problem solving, reasoning, attention and learning. Drawing from the worlds of CBT, current understandings of best practices in psychotherapy and the emerging clinical specialty of Deaf mental health care, the workbook describes methods for engaging people who are often considered poor candidates for psychotherapy.

About the Author:

Neil S. Glickman, PhD, is a former psychologist with Advocates Deaf Services in Framingham, Massachusetts and a former unit director and psychologist with the Mental Health Unit for Deaf Persons at Westborough State Hospital in Westborough, Massachusetts. He is faculty at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. He teaches and consults on the subjects of Deaf mental health care and cognitive behaviour therapy and pre-therapy.

Additional information

Age Suitability:



300 Pages


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