ISBN: 9781787759923

Understanding and Treating Sleep Disturbances in Autism


– A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

This is an invaluable resource for professionals seeking insight into sleep disturbances and autism. It outlines the latest research and evaluates the most effective methods of treatment for all ages.

ISBN: 9781787759923
SKU: 9781787759923
Categories: , , Tag: GTIN: 9781787759923


– A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Sleep disturbance is a common challenge for those on the autism spectrum and can have a profound impact on quality of life. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate features of autism such as repetitive behaviours, can affect brain growth and negatively impact immune and metabolic functions.

With contributions from pioneering researchers and clinicians, this book provides a professional understanding of the impact of sleep deprivation on autistic people. It offers insight into the latest research and available treatments, including the potential solutions offered by pharmacotherapy, using polysomnography in sleep evaluation, and the role of physical disturbances such as pain in sleep disorders. Contributing authors take an in-depth look at current behavioural interventions for sleep problems, conduct an extensive review of sensory processing in relation to sleep disturbances, and offer a discussion and analysis of the role of nutrition and dietary advice.

This is the cutting edge resource for professionals and academics seeking further insight into sleep disturbances and autism, exploring contemporary research and setting the groundwork for the most effective methods of treatment for individuals of all ages.

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144 Pages



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