ISBN: 9781787758278

What I Want to Talk About


An introduction to the autistic experience told through the lens of special interests. Popular autism advocate, Pete Wharmby, takes us on a tour of his passions, exploring the challenges of reaching adulthood without a diagnosis along the way.

ISBN: 9781787758278
Author(s) : Pete Wharmby
SKU: 9781787758278
Categories: , , Tag: GTIN: 9781787758278


– How Autistic Special Interests Shape a Life

In What I Want to Talk About, popular autism advocate Pete Wharmby takes readers on a journey through his special interests, illuminating the challenges of autistic experience along the way. Funny, revealing, celebratory and powerful in equal measure, this is a book that will resonate with many, and which should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand autism with more accuracy and empathy.

What people are saying about this book:

This engaging, witty, and bracingly honest book brings to light the life-giving passion and intensity of autistic ‘special interests,’ describing with the vividness of lived experience the distinctive ways that autistic people explore and make sense of the world.’, Steve Silberman, author, NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter about People Who Think Differently

‘This book is a gift to us all. Pete not only provides incredible insight for anyone wishing to understand autism, but as an autistic person, I found an empowering sense of belonging and comfort in his writing. The existence of this book will make the world a better place.’, Emily Katy, autistic blogger, writer and Trustee of Autistic Girls Network.

‘In a spectacular debut, Pete Wharmby perfectly translates the autistic experience with effortless wit, warmth and flair. Through the lens of his passions and interests, Pete articulates the messy, confusing and often beautiful way autistic brains work. It is essential reading for everyone who may encounter an autistic person (so, literally everyone) and is certain to become a definitive classic on the subject.’, Sara Gibbs, comedy writer and author

‘A deeply personal autistic insight into Hyperfixation at first glance, this book is that and much, much more. I felt as if I lived parts of his life with him, such is the richness of Pete’s words; but around many of the humorous and delightful narrative corners came a contrasting shock of how being autistic in an unforgiving world can feel. A superb read from beginning to end.’, Dr Luke Beardon, Senior Lecturer in Autism

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224 Pages


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