Showing 121–144 of 1328 results

Autism, Identity and Me: Set


A Practical Workbook and Professional Guide to Empower Autistic Children and Young People Aged 10+

Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate


Based on Francesca Happé’s best-selling textbook, Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory, this completely new edition provides a concise overview of contemporary psychological theories about autism.

Autism: Respecting Difference


– An Inside View of Autism for Carers, professionals and Families

Autism: Respecting Difference is a simple and concise introduction to how the world is experienced differently by autistic people and how to respond suitably and sensitively to individuals.


Autism… What Does It Mean To Me?


Each chapter in this book includes both worksheets for the child (or adult) with autism, as well as pages of explanatory material and ideas for further study for the teacher, parent, or professional.

Autistic Guide to Adventure, The


An A-Z guide for children 8+ in how to navigate the world of sports and adventure as an autistic person. Learn bow active hobbies can develop your strengths and skills, how to accomodate your sensory needs, what you need to get started in a new hobby, and be inspired by some amazing autistic athletes along the way.

Autistic Masking


– Understanding Identity Management and the Role of Stigma

This book aims to define the process of autistic masking and the underlying reasons for its existence. It will consider the social context, including an individual’s response to stigma or trauma, that facilitates impression management.


Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Secondary School


The book not only gives sound advice, it helps the reader to find a wider range of sources of support and information… a useful, practical guide that makes the organisation of inclusive education achievable


Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers and Other Professionals

Original price was: €46.50.Current price is: €29.50.

This book offers off-the-shelf support to teachers and includes: Helpful categorisation of problem areas; Solutions that will allow teachers to help children promptly and effectively; Advice on setting IEP targets; Photocopiable resources.

Autistic Teen’s Avoidant Eating Workbook, The


An interactive workbook to support autistic teens, and the adults in their lives, with restricted or avoidant eating, written by a clinical psychologist with 20 years experience in the field.

Autistic Thinking – This is the Title


This introductory book offers the reader a real window into the autistic mind and the very individual way in which it processes information.

Autistic World Domination


The neurotypical world doesn’t always work for autistic people, but that’s about to change! By helping readers write their own blueprint for life, Autistic World Domination empowers autistics to create the world they want for themselves. Vibrant, fresh and inspiring – this book is full of energy and actionable plans. It’s time to rewrite normal!

Autsim Teaching Makes a Difference


This book is ideal for pre-service and in-service teachers required to implement effective evidence-based practices for children and youth with autism, particularly those who also have intellectual disabilities.

Awesome Atlas Activities


Awesome Atlas Activities provides engaging high interest challenges, quizzes and puzzles that support students in using the atlas.


Awesome Auditory Activities


This book is composed of over twenty detailed, varied and easy-to-use exercises designed to improve auditory memory skills.


Awesome Autistic Guide for Trans Teens, The


In this empowering guide, Yenn Purkis and Sam Rose set out honest advice and strategies to help autistic trans and/or gender divergent teens to thrive exactly as they are. Covering a huge range of topics including coming out, masking, building a sense of pride and much more, it is an essential resource for living happily and authentically.


B.E.S.T. Buddies

Original price was: €57.50.Current price is: €24.50.

Balanced Assessment


The research, rationale, strategies and examples provided in this book will help teachers develop their own repertoire of formative and summative assessments to monitor, grade and make inferences about a student’s ability to meet standards and curriculum goals.