ISBN: 9781803883038

Using Supervision in Schools


– A Guide to Building Safe Cultures and Providing Emotional Support in a Range of Education Settings (2nd Edition)

Packed with up-to-date examples from real-life schools, this is an invaluable guide to how supervision can help teachers and other staff to feel safe, happy and challenged in their work, and to more effectively safeguard the children and young people in their care.



– A Guide to Building Safe Cultures and Providing Emotional Support in a Range of Education Settings (2nd Edition)

Published by Pavilion Publishing

As a universal service, education is expected to safeguard and meet the needs of all pupils, some of whom may have complex issues, and also to offer emotional support for children and their families. There are increasing pressures and changes facing schools and teachers, accelerated by the impact of the pandemic; however, unlike other stressful professions, there is no accepted framework for supporting school staff to deal with the personal and emotional rigours of their role. Supervision offers a solution – an effective method of supporting staff with safe-guarding, and with the broader emotional demands of their work. Based on direct experience and presenting an Integrated Model of Supervision (IMS), this book offers guidance for instigating supervision in school settings. The Second Edition is revised throughout, with three new chapters and all chapters updated to incorporate contemporary examples.


Penny Sturt is an independent trainer, consultant and registered social worker. Following her advanced social work training, which sparked an interest in supervision, Penny has delivered supervision training with In-Trac Training and Consultancy Ltd. She has a longstanding interest in safeguarding and supervision across multi-agency settings, and she has run supervision training courses in health, social care and educational settings.

Jo Rowe is an educational psychologist with a local authority. She has more than twenty-five years of experience working in a range of school settings and supporting school staff as well as children and young people with additional needs. She provides and participates in group supervision, and she has researched the impact of supervision for school staff with a safeguarding role.

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176 Pages



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