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MaLT: Stage 3 (Upr Primary/Lwr Secondary)


The M.a.L.T. Stage 3 Starter Kit offers a ground-breaking approach to standarised mathematics assessment for ages 12-14.

Author(s) : Julian Williams
SKU: MaLT: Stage 3 (Upr Primary/Lwr Secondary)

NB: Only available to schools and educational establishments based in the Republic of Ireland

Qualification Code: A – Click HERE for more details.

The M.a.L.T. Stage 3 Starter Kit offers a ground-breaking approach to standardised mathematics assessment for ages 12-14.

Available in both pencil-and-paper and interactive computer-adaptive formats, these standardised group tests yield formative information which will directly support individual and whole-class teaching, as well as reliable summative assessments for screening, monitoring and progress tracking.

MaLT Stage 3 assesses all areas of mathematics from age 12 to 14+, providing:

  • Standardised scores and percentiles
  • Maths ages (MaLT 12-14+)
  • Year-on-year progress assessment
  • Attainment target performance profiles
  • Individualised formative and diagnostic feedback to pupils
  • Whole-class profiles identifying weaknesses, common misconceptions and errors.

MaLT Stage 3 – Age Suitability:

  • MaLT 12 Covers ages 11.0 to 13.5 years
  • MaLT 13: Covers ages 12.0 to 14.5 years
  • MaLT 14: Covers ages 13.0 to 15.5 years

MaLT will help schools and teachers to maintain rigorous standardised assessment while also developing formative assessment that informs teaching and guides future learning.

MaLT 3:

  • MaLT 3 STARTER KIT: Manual + 1 Pack of 10 forms for each of MaLT 12, MaLT 13 & MaLT 14
  • MaLT Stage 3 SPECIMEN SET: Manual + 1 only sample form for each of MaLT 12, MaLT 13 & MaLT 14
  • MaLT Stage 3 Pupil Booklets: Available separately in Packs of 10 for MaLT 12, MaLT 13 & MaLT 14

MaLT Components (all):

  • MaLT Stage 1: Covers MaLT Tests 5, 6 & 7 (Lower Primary – Ages: 4.0 to 8.5)
  • MaLT Stage 2: Covers MaLT Tests 8, 9 & 10 & 11 (Middle to Upper Primary – Ages: 7.0 to 12.5)
  • MaLT Stage 3: Covers MaLT Tests 12, 13 & 14 (Lower Secondary – Ages: 11.0 to 15.5)

Age Suitability:



MaLT Stage 3 Manual (for Tests 12, 13 & 14), MaLT Test Booklets 12 (Pack of 10), MaLT Test Booklets 13 (Pack of 10) & MaLT Test Booklets 14 (Pack of 10)


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