This invaluable book from Elklan provides information on Autism and gives detailed advice and activities to promote the communication and interaction skills of all verbal children with Autism.
It covers a wealth of knowledge and is beautifully illustrated to provide many practical strategies and ideas suitable for children at primary school as well as those in specialist provisions. It has been written to be accessible to parents, learning support assistants, teachers and other professionals who work in this field. It is the training material for those completing the Elklan Autism specialist course but is also a stand-alone publication and is useful for all practitioners.
Amongst the topics covered are:
- What is autism?
- Using structure with children with Autism
- Developing communication
- Working with Information Carrying Words to develop the length of sentences a child can understand
- Developing verbal reasoning in children with Autism
- Using vocabulary maps and Mind Maps, the latter devised by Tony Buzan
- Developing interaction through using Comic Strip Conversations as devised by Carol Gray
- Helping children learn how to speak in a social context
- Understanding that children with Autism often communicate most effectively through their behaviour
As with all Elklan materials, having purchased the book you are free to photocopy any relevant pages so equipping others who work within your school or health provision.