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Helpful Handbooks for Parents, Carers and Professionals


This contemporary series of 10 handbooks (A5) covers a range of topics about the social and emotional challenges that a young person may encounter. Select an individual book from the dropdown menu to LOOK INSIDE.

ISBN: Helpful-Handbooks
SKU: Helpful-Handbooks

This contemporary series of 10 handbooks (A5) covers a range of topics about the social and emotional challenges that a young person may encounter. By teaching parents and carers a diverse set of practical skills to support children through stressful events and challenging behaviours, this collection will assist in confident navigation through many different emotions. The series aims to build capacity in parents and carers, to nurture a young person’s self-esteem, foster resilience, and ultimately strengthen their holistic well-being.

The TEN books in this series cover the following topics:

  • Anger: Helping a child identify why they are angry and techniques to support them
  • Anxiety: Understanding anxiety with practical exercises to promote well-being
  • Bullying: Identifying the causes and effects of bullying and how to build resilient children
  • Family Resilience: Helping to cope with family challenges through improving personal strengths
  • Grief: Understanding loss and grief and how to support a child through sad times
  • Parenting: Practical parenting ideas to meet the needs of your children with proven techniques
  • Self-Esteem: Building self-confidence through competencies and life-skills
  • Sibling Rivalry: Examining why children compete negatively and practical steps to reduce the conflict
  • Strong-Willed: How to promote cooperative behaviours in those children that could but won’t!
  • Working with Professionals: Giving parents/carers the tactics to promote successful outcomes for their children


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