ISBN: 9781906926366

Imperfect Storm, An


In ‘An Imperfect Storm’, Kevin Haugh’s prose offers us an incredible insight into an upbringing in the West of Ireland, schooling and the teaching profession, the meaning of family and the disruption, over a number of years, caused by an otherwise innocuous lump, first noticed in 2004.
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ISBN: 9781906926366
Author(s) : Dr. Kevin Haugh
SKU: 9781906926366
Category: Tag:


In ‘An Imperfect Storm’, Kevin Haugh’s prose offers us an incredible insight into an upbringing in the West of Ireland, schooling and the teaching profession, the meaning of family and the disruption, over a number of years, caused by an otherwise innocuous lump, first noticed in 2004.

This book, Dr. Haugh’s first, is a raw reflection of life, including the interference of the medical profession. It reveals aspects of our existence that many of us, including those who work in the health service, are unaware of, despite the unique patient-doctor relationship. But then, subconsciously, it is perhaps why we strive to help patients to continue living – the period between birth and death.

– Rajnish K. Gupta (August 2013)


All those involved in cancer care are repeatedly astonished by what the human frame can support and the human spirit can endure.

Everyone looks forward to the time when the treatment of cancer, that pernicious and elusive enemy, will not require fiercely toxic and distressing therapy.

The sustained, heroic strength and endurance of Kevin Haugh, and he would agree of his family, in his efforts to reach once again towards good health are vividly and honestly described.

He states, “You have to feel the experience to understand.” Yet his personal reactions to cancer and treatment, the importance of support of family, work colleagues and his community and the strong collaboration and concern of an expert medical team are all recorded with such sincerity that this book will go a considerable way to promote understanding by everyone, not just people with cancer. For this Kevin Haugh deserves thanks and admiration and for the grandeur of his physical and mental bravery, our applause.

– Professor Niall O’Higgins, Chairman, UL Hospitals Group Board

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212 Pages


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