Think Social! is a core Social Thinking curriculum book and complements Thinking About YOU Thinking About ME. The book provides step-by-step methods for teaching social-cognitive and -communicative skills to students who have these challenges that affect their school and home life. Students and adults with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, nonverbal learning disability, ADHD and similar difficulties, diagnosed and undiagnosed, have benefited from these methods. As a complementary book to the Thinking About YOU Thinking About ME curriculum, Think Social! sequences through eight chapters and 69 lessons that teach students the basics of working and thinking in a group. Each chapter addresses how to use and interpret language (verbal and nonverbal) to understand the contexts where real communication happens. The lessons span from kindergarten through adulthood. Teachers, parents, therapists and other caregivers are encouraged to modify activities to better fit the age of the students. Keep in mind, though, that the most basic activities are often necessary for even our brightest, most advanced and oldest students! The book offers strategies for K-12 – and into adulthood.
In the second printing (2008), all IEP (Individualized Education Plan) goals and related standards reviewed in the book are included on a CD with each book for easy printing. A small section also notes how Think Social! is becoming an “evidence-based practice,” as required by No Child Left Behind, because The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has published research based on the teachings of this book, with more research underway.