
Health and Physical Education for All


This book advocates for using concepts rather than contexts to drive the learning based on students’ needs at the time and for getting HPE (Health and Physical Education) to work together effectively with other areas of the curriculum.

ISBN: 9781776557653
SKU: 9781776557653

Fresh and creative ideas to bring the curriculum alive in your school

Providing high-quality HPE (Health and Physical Education) in an innovative, student-centred and holistic way sounds great in theory but putting it into practice can be more demanding in the face of a packed school curriculum and protests that “we’ve always done it this way”. Recognising these challenges, Health and Physical Education for All gives you a great place to start and plenty of motivation to keep on the path to an engaging and inclusive programme in, through and about movement.

This book advocates for using concepts rather than contexts to drive the learning based on students’ needs at the time and for getting HPE to work together effectively with other areas of the curriculum. In showing you how, it offers many practical examples of what your HPE plans could look like and ideas to strengthen school systems and structures to support HPE. You’ll also find quick “pick up and go” ideas that you can adapt to suit your purpose and key concepts in your school, as well as to put well-being at the centre of the learning. Use these fresh ideas to make HPE a rich learning experience and just plain fun for all primary and intermediate students.


  • Answers your “what”, “why” and “how” questions about providing high-quality HPE in, through and about movement
  • Introduces a holistic, inclusive, needs-based and creative approach that boosts both learning and student engagement
  • Offers many practical examples, ideas and templates you can put to work in your planning, teaching and assessment
  • Includes case studies from schools in New Zealand that have tried out high-quality HPE initiatives and loved the outcomes

Recommended ages: 5-12

Age Suitability:

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A4 Teacher Guide (including photocopiable templates) – 64 Pages



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