Showing all 2 results

Autism and Mental Well-being in Higher Education (2nd Ed.)


– A Practical Resource for Students, Mentors and Study Skills Support Workers

Autism and Mental Well-being in Higher Education (2nd edition) looks into the fact that, too often, autistic students and those with mental health needs struggle with higher education, often dropping out of courses because they do not receive the informed support that would help them to succeed. This much-needed manual addresses the provision of effective support via mentoring in order to build students’ confidence and enable them to take control of their lives.


Neurodiversity, Autism and Recovery from Sexual Violence


– A Practical Resource for all those Working to Support Victim-survivors

Recovery and survival following sexual violence are unique to each individual and this invaluable book provides a resource for those supporting autistic and neurodivergent women to take steps towards regaining control of their life.