
Primary Maths Problems


Author(s) : Clare Way
SKU: Primary Maths Problems


The Primary Maths Problems Series is a 3-book series aimed at developing a range of problem-solving skills and strategies across all strands of the mathematics curriculum. Each book contains over 90 task cards which each deal with one problem. The problems can be worked through as a whole class, in small groups, in pairs, or as an individual homework or extension activity. Detailed teachers’ notes provide information about the use of each problem-solving strategy as well as specific examples. Strategies covered include:

  • Think, estimate and check
  • Draw a diagram
  • Look for patterns
  • Make a model
  • Act out the problem
  • Construct a table
  • Write a statement
  • Make a list
  • Calculate

The tasks cover all areas of the mathematics curriculum including Space and Location, Number, Measurement and Chance and Data. Mathematical reasoning and the development of individual problem solving skills have been incorporated within each of these areas. All task cards are outcome linked and have provision for student self-assessment.

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