What people are saying about Welcome to Well-Being (from Pilot stage)

Sample Teacher Feedback:

I have loved implementing this programme in my class. It has been very beneficial and feels as though we are providing the children with key life skills from such an early age. It is fantastic to see the children in tune with their feelings and emotions and using the skills to navigate through difficulties. It was fabulous, the age-appropriateness of having ‘Mo and Ko’ was invaluable!

Sample Parent feedback:

This is an amazing programme and the most important subject in school if you ask me. Excellent programme. Very valuable for young children.

Sample Children’s feedback:

This is fun! I love the characters! Mo & Ko have different feelings just like us – I like talking & singing about them.

Click HERE to see photographs of Welcome to Well-Being in action in Killester Raheny Clontarf ETNS.