Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers, As your child will be using the Weaving Well-Being Programme in school this year, you may find the following information useful.

Weaving Well-Being is an Irish-designed SPHE programme which teaches children evidence-based skills and strategies to develop positive mental health and well-being. It is based on Positive Psychology, which is the science of well-being.
The aim of the programme is to empower children to become active participants in creating, maintaining and boosting positive mental health throughout their lives.

Parental Pull Out

Parent Introductory Letter

Click on a cover below to download a free copy of the Weaving Well-Being Lesson Plans. 

Each lesson plan sets out the Strand and Strand Units of the SPHE curriculum that are covered by that lesson. It also includes the specific learning objectives for the children.
The information in this section will be similar for each lesson as the PowerPoint slides contain all the information needed to deliver the lesson. Most lessons include an introduction to each topic for the children followed by one or two activities and a homework assignment.