W4W Guided Meditation:

Body & Mind Check-In


This page has been designed to give Secondary school Teachers a chance to trial this new Positive Psychology programme called Wired for Well-Being (W4W). Here you will find all the components, physical and digital, to deliver up to three well-being skills’ lessons to Junior Cycle students (Ages: 12-15).

The programme consists of three Teacher Resource books, each with eight lessons on well-being skills. There is a corresponding Pupil Book and Digital Companion Page (similar to this one) for each level. Digital companion pages typically contain a PowerPoint presentation for each skill and a complete Lesson Plan. They also contain a mixture of supplementary worksheets, videos, games, activities, posters and other activities related to the skill. Additionally Book A has an accompanying, optional APP that may be used to supplement the skills found in Book A.

Below you can see what each of the three levels cover. The highlighted skill under each book cover is the skill that is available for free. Choose a year programmme, click on the highlighted skill or scroll down to see all three available skills.

You can find out lots more information about the programme by visiting the Wired for Well-Being Homepage

Book A
– Secondary – 1st Year
(Ages: 12-13)

Teacher Resource Book
(includes Digital Companion Page)

+ Pupil Book + APP
+ Poster Pack (optional)

The following Skills are covered in Book A.
The Highlighted Skill is free to try here:

  1. Understand Your Well-Being
  2. Nurture Neuroplasticity
  3. Savour Your Sleep
  4. Prioritise Positivity
  5. Choose Kindness
  6. Be Your Own Best Friend
  7. Tame Technology
  8. Become Wired for Well-Being

Book B
– Secondary – 2nd Year
(Ages: 13-14)

Teacher Resource Book
(includes Digital Companion Page)

+ Pupil Book
+ Poster Pack (optional)

The following Skills are covered in Book B.
The Highlighted Skill is free to try here:

  1. Get Good at Well-Being
  2. Tackle Your Thoughts
  3. Embrace Imperfection
  4. Tame Your Emotions
  5. Know Your Strengths
  6. Connect and Uplift
  7. Reboot Your Resilience
  8. Become Wired for Well-Being

Book C
– Secondary – 3rd Year
(Ages: 14-15)

Teacher Resource Book
(includes Digital Companion Page)

+ Pupil Book
+ Poster Pack (optional)

The following Skills are covered in Book C.
The Highlighted Skill is free to try here:

  1. Excel at Well-Being
  2. Cultivate Optimism
  3. Get Good at Stress
  4. Make Your Goals Work for You
  5. Evolve with Intent
  6. Stop and Drop
  7. Believe You Make a Difference
  8. Become Wired for Well-Being

W4W: Book A (Secondary - 1st Year - Ages: 12-13) - Understand your Well-Being (Skill: 1 of 8)

Understand your Well-Being - Additional Activities

Word Clouds

Click on the image above and allow students to make their own word cloud design using their own choice of well-being words.

VideoWatch: Snap your joy!

Take a look at this video called Snap Your Joy to see random people reacting to an enormous street camera – SoulPancake Street Team – YouTube (02:41)

VideoWatch: We All Have Mental Health

Watch this video ‘We all have mental health’ to help you to understand more about mental health and well-being – Anna Freud NCCF (National Centre for Children and Families) – YouTube (05.39)

W4W: Book C (Secondary - 3rd Year - Ages: 14-15) - Get Good at Stress (Skill: 3 of 8)

Get Good at Stress - Additional Activities

VideoWatch: How to make stress your friend - Professor Kelly McGonigal (Condensed Talk)

In this video, Professor Kelly McGonigal explains what happens in our brains when we start to view the stress response as helpful rather than harmful – Youtube (03:00)

VideoWatch: Why Stress Is Good for You - Instant Egghead

This video from Scientific American explains why stress can be good for us – Scientific American – YouTube (02:32)

Click Logo for W2W Homepage


For more free articles, blogs, resources and information, follow author Fiona Forman:


Wired for Well-Being: Book A (Secondary – 1st Year / Ages: 12-13)


Wired for Well-Being aims to introduce young people to skills and strategies from the fields of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience to empower them to become active participants in understanding, creating and maintaining their well-being and resilience. In doing so, it aims to help young people to reach their potential, to flourish and to become thriving citizens.


Wired for Well-Being: Book B (Secondary – 2nd Year / Ages: 13-14)


Wired for Well-Being aims to introduce young people to skills and strategies from the fields of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience to empower them to become active participants in understanding, creating and maintaining their well-being and resilience. In doing so, it aims to help young people to reach their potential, to flourish and to become thriving citizens.


Wired for Well-Being: Book C (Secondary – 3rd Year / Ages: 14-15)


Wired for Well-Being aims to introduce young people to skills and strategies from the fields of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience to empower them to become active participants in understanding, creating and maintaining their well-being and resilience. In doing so, it aims to help young people to reach their potential, to flourish and to become thriving citizens.


Wired for Well-Being: Starter Kit (Secondary – 1st Year to 3rd Year / Ages: 12-15)


Wired for Well-Being aims to introduce young people to skills and strategies from the fields of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience to empower them to become active participants in understanding, creating and maintaining their well-being and resilience. In doing so, it aims to help young people to reach their potential, to flourish and to become thriving citizens.