What is Social Thinking?

Teaching social competencies—more than social skills

The foundation of Social Thinking’s work is to provide interventionists (Teachers, Speech & Language Therapists, Clinicians & Parents) and social learners with frameworks, tools, skills and a shared language to improve social competencies—more than just social skills. Their goal is to help people learn explicitly how to engage in social information processing; how to attend, interpret, problem solve and respond in any situation – the thinking and doing skills that will aid them in becoming increasingly successful in the social world throughout their lives.

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About the Founder

Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP specialises in the treatment of individuals with social learning challenges and is the founder and CEO of Social Thinking®, a company dedicated to helping individuals, from four through adulthood, to develop their social competencies to meet their personal social goals. Michelle coined the term “Social Thinking” in the mid-1990s.

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