– Preparing for Obtaining a Job and Coping in the Workplace
This game is designed as a resource to help young people learn to understand and prepare for work experience, job-seeking, interviews and coping in the workplace. In particular young people with a diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum find interviews difficult in the same way as they may struggle with day-to-day conversations.
Many of the elements of the interactions are similar:
- Greeting appropriately
- Making eye contact
- Using appropriate facial expression
- Listening carefully
- Asking good questions
- Requesting clarification, etc.
This fun discussion card-based activity encourages participants to:
- Answer questions
- Appraise themselves
- Decide whether advice suggested is good or bad
- Role-play situations and interactions using hypothetical scenarios.
There are 74 cards and the game can be played by any number of people, although 4-6 is recommended. It is suitable for people of age 15+.
– Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.