This book is a valuable resource for all speech language therapists, teachers and support assistants working with children in schools and community clinics. It provides practical, step-by-step photocopiable programmes to help with specific language concepts, such as amount, colour, size, time and shape. The programmes are intended for speech language therapists to copy and send to the school where staff can deliver the programmes, although they can be used by the therapist themselves. Clearly set out, the exercises can be personalised for each child and are graded so that the therapist can select and copy the sheets relevant to the child’s needs.
Each programme introduces the concept, teaches it and then checks to see if the child understands it. There is also practical advice on setting up therapy programmes in schools, such as setting up appointments, working in the school with children, staff and parents, covering letters to send with the programme, how to write programmes and many other useful tips.