Body Science focuses on the working body and the growing body, covering the topic areas of body systems, sense organs, basic genetics and the growth and development of a human from conception to old age. Body Science was written for teachers who want lessons that are inspiring as well as being practical. For teachers, science lessons are too often associated with long lists of difficult to find equipment and experiments that do not account for the busy time schedule within a teaching day. Body Science provides a science experience which delivers easy to teach lessons packed with relevant,motivational information and tasks.
Body Science 1 focuses on the working body and the growing body, covering the topic areas of body systems, sense organs, basic genetics and the growth and development of a human from conception to old age.
Body Science 2 is comprised of the sections, Bodies Attacked and The Amazing Brain, dealing with diseases, the role of the immune system and brain structure and function including the fascinating areas of perception, memory and intelligence.