
English Series, The (Primary)


The English Series is a seven-book teacher sequential resource series. Choose a book option below to Look Inside.

SKU: English Series - Primary
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The English Series is a seven-book teacher sequential resource series. It consists of the following seven photocopiable resource books:

  • The English Series: Infants: The activities in this resource revolve around: four poems, a Dreaming style story, two short imaginative texts, an informative text, a traditional tale from Nigeria and an Aesop’s fable. Students will be able to show their understanding through: listening, beginning reading and writing, labelling, matching, drawing, sequencing, highlighting, discussing, role-playing, ticking and crossing, creating, circling, copying, cutting and pasting, cloze activities, playing games, identifying and drawing on their prior knowledge
  • The English Series: 1st class: The activities in this book revolve around several different text types: dreaming stories, folk tales, procedures, recounts, persuasive texts, information texts and poems. Students will be asked to compare text types, adapt text types to create their own, think about specific language devices used to construct different texts and voice their opinions of texts
  • The English Series: 2nd class: The activities in this book revolve around dreaming stories, folk tales and poems. Students will be asked to compare texts, make connections, discuss language devices used to construct the texts, voice their opinions of, and preferences for texts and begin to analyse
  • The English Series: 3rd class: The activities in this book revolve around a dreaming story, a creation style story, two different versions of a fairy tale and a poem. Students will be asked to compare texts, make connections, recognise and discuss language devices, develop and voice opinions of, and preferences for texts and begin to analyse
  • The English Series: 4th class: Section one explores the structural features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Section two looks at language features used to construct texts in some detail and the final section’s activities revolve around a Korean folk tale
  • The English Series: 5th class: Section One explores the structural features of non-fiction texts. Section Two looks at language features used in narratives and reports, and the final section asks the students to analyse two texts in some detail and models how to create their own texts
  • The English Series: 6th class: In Section One of this book, students are asked to make connections between a Greek myth and a Native American myth. In Section Two, students will note the differences between two play scripts and a theatre review in terms of structure, character and text features. Section Three develops students’ ability to analyse poetry and discuss poetic language, and the final section focuses on the use of subjective and objective language in a newspaper report an eyewitness account.

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