ISBN: 9781925145212

Bringing STEM to Life


Understanding and recognising science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in play at early childhood level.

ISBN: 9781925145212
SKU: 9781925145212


Understanding and recognising science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in play

An understanding of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) has never been more important, and the need to develop these skills at the early childhood level (2-5 years) is now widely recognised. Bringing STEM to Life supports professionals in the early childhood field to:

  • Thoroughly understand the concept of STEM
  • Realise that in a quality play-based program, there should be no need for ‘extra’ programmes or curricula to ensure that children develop skills related to STEM
  • See that these skills are already facilitated by our rich environments, resources, interactions and practice with children and by the child’s own innate curiosity and playfulness

This is a book dedicated to STEM, but you will not find a ‘how to’ for setting up science, technology, engineering or math activities. What you will find is a deeper understanding of the complexities of children’s play. The authors use real examples to demonstrate how, in an engaging environment with meaningful interactions, quality resources and a commitment to play, children will naturally explore STEM concepts.

Recommended ages: 2-5

Additional information

Age Suitability:



A4 Teacher Guide – 48 Pages



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