Building a Zero-Tolerance attitude to School Bullying
The activities and approaches in the Bully Off! series are based on current thinking in the area of bullying prevention. They provide an age-specific developmentally-tailored programme that includes culturally sensitive practical lessons and activities, as well as information.
Bully Off! Book A: Setting up Systems and Procedures focuses on setting up practical systems and procedures for implementing a school-wide approach to combating bullying. It also provides information and resource material that can
be used with teachers and the wider school community to set out issues and involve people in planning.
Bully Off! Book B :Teaching and Learning Activities focus on step-by-step teaching and learning activities that underpin the development and maintenance of a school culture that has a zero-tolerance to bullying. Activities can be incorporated into health or life skills teaching or worked through in a systematic way over one or two terms. Implementing the ideas in the Bully Off program will help you to build a climate where co-operation, respect, trust and communication are fostered, and bullying is not tolerated.
The activities can be incorporated into a variety of curriculum areas and are designed to be meaningful and enjoyable for students to participate in. Bully Off! includes segments that show ways to collect data that will demonstrate the need for a programme, and ways to evaluate the benefits of the programme after completion. The programme is created with the intention of involving the whole school community and includes staff training components.