
WPPSI-IV: Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence – Fourth UK Edition



NB: Only available to educational and/or health professionals based in the Republic of Ireland – qualification criteria apply (see qualification code and link below)

Based on the most current literature in the field and feedback from experts and clinicians, the WPPSI–IVUK includes extensive content changes including new processing speed measures, the addition of working memory subtests and an expanded factor structure that includes new and separate visual spatial and fluid reasoning composites for ages 4 years to 7 years 7 months.

Author(s) : David Wechsler
SKU: WPPSI-IV: Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - Fourth UK Edition

Author(s): David Wechsler
Publication Year: 2013
Age Range: 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months
Administration: Core Subtests: Ages 2 years 6 months to 3 years 11 months; 30–45 Minutes, Ages 4 years to 7 years 7 months; 45–60 Minutes
Qualification Code: C – Click HERE for more details.

Users & Applications

Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, and Neuropsychologists working in schools, clinics, hospitals, universities and forensics use the WPPSI–IVUK to help:

  • Identify and qualify students with cognitive delays for special services
  • Evaluate children for cognitive delays, learning difficulties, autism and giftedness
  • Determine the impact of traumatic brain injury on cognitive functions in children
  • Scoring Options

Key Features:

  • New working memory subtests
  • New processing speed measures
  • Expanded factor structure
  • Improved developmental appropriateness
  • More efficient test administration
  • Improved clinical utility
  • Updated and improved psychometric properties

Content & Administration

Based on the most current literature in the field and feedback from experts and clinicians, the WPPSI–IVUK includes extensive content changes including new processing speed measures, the addition of working memory subtests and an expanded factor structure that includes new and separate visual spatial and fluid reasoning composites for ages 4 years to 7 years 7 months.

New Working Memory subtests

Picture Memory and Zoo Locations, the two new working memory subtests provide age appropriate, engaging tasks for children as young as 2 years 6 months. These reliable and child-friendly measures were specifically designed to help detect emerging working memory difficulties for early intervention.

Age Suitability:


Published By:


Choose an Option

WPPSI-IV: Complete Kit, WPPSI-IV UK: Record Form Booklets (Ages 2-3) – Pack of 25, WPPSI-IV UK: Record Form Booklets (Ages 4-7) – Pack of 25, WPPSI-IV UK: Response Booklets 1 (Bug Search) – Pack of 25, WPPSI-IV UK: Response Booklets 2 (Cancellation) – Pack of 25, WPPSI-IV UK: Response Booklets 3 (Animal Coding) – Pack of 25

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