NB: Only available to Republic of Ireland clients who meet the qualification code criteria below.
NB: – All prices include VAT @ 23% where applicable
Author(s): Barbara Dodd, Zhu Hua, Sharon Crosbie, Alison Holm, Anne Ozanne
Publication Year: 2002
Age Range: 3 years to 6 years 11 months
Administration: Individual – 5-minute screen plus up to 4 specific assessments
Qualification Code: B – Click HERE for more details.
DEAP now incorporating the Toddler Phonology Test providing you with a full battery from 2 years to 6.11 years.
This assessment detects and differentiates between articulation problems, delayed phonology and consistent versus inconsistent phonological disorder.
The Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP) is time and cost effective. The 5 minute ‘Diagnostic Screen’ gives clear direction to specific areas which assess Articulation, Phonology, Oro-motor Ability and Inconsistency. This assessment provides an evidence base for clinical management decisions and guides selection of therapy targets and therapy type for effective intervention.
Features include:
- Diagnostic screen with 100% detection of disorder on clinical trials.
- National UK norms
- Subset data on clinical group; children aged 2 years to 2 years 11 months and bilingual children speaking English and Punjabi languages
- Illustrative case studies and suggested therapy approaches
- Single sounds, words and connected speech including consonants and vowels
- Comprehensive listing and definition of processes, phonemes and symbols
Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP) Irish Standardisation
The Irish standardisation manual of the DEAP has recently been published.
This includes information about the standardisation project, reliability and validity, case studies and norm tables. The DEAP Irish standardisation project was funded by the Health Research Board, Ireland and directed by principal investigator Margaret Leahy, in conjunction with Noreen Murphy representing the health services partner, and Barbara Dodd, Professor of Child Speech at City University, London, lead author on the DEAP.
A copy of this manual will also be included in any future DEAP kits purchased in Ireland.