Primary Well-Being

Mental Well-Being is Outside The Box’s ‘specialist’ subject area, so we were delighted to bring you details of all our primary level Well-Being resources for your school, from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. We also have a number of resources for Teacher Well-Being which are detailed on this page too.

The resources we offer are as follows:

WWB- Boys Smiling doing Weaving Well-Being work

Using Positive Psychology in Schools
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Junior Infants to First Class
Ages: 4.5 to 7+

Second Class to Sixth Class
Ages: 7.5 to 11.5+

Rang a Dó go Rang a Sé
Aois: 7.5 go 11.5+

Both the Welcome to Well-Being Programme and the Weaving Well-Being/Fí na Folláine programmes are extremely teacher-friendly and and no training is required to deliver the programmes. They are based on Positive Psychology, the science of Well-Being and both were written/co-written by Irish author and facilitator/trainer Fiona Forman and published by Irish publisher Outside the Box Learning Resources.

Each class level programme consists of a very affordable Pupil Activity Book and a comprehensive Teacher Resource Book. Each Teacher Resource Book is accompanied by a Digital Companion Page which contains PowerPoints for each lesson as well as videos, blogs, web articles, supplementary worksheets, posters and lots of other resources that compliment and support each lesson.

Click on the logos below to find out more information on each programme, to start your free trial or to order free samples of the Pupil Activity Books (restricted to schools in Ireland only). You can also find out more information on the EPV-approved Well-Being course by clicking on the course image below

WWB- Teacher & pupils chatting about Weaving Well-Being work

Scope & Sequence

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Primary Brochure

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